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Eating Rhythm, Bio Circadian Nutrition and Weight Loss

Circadian rhythm and daily activities: how exposure to sunlight regulates and affect body processes during day and night.

Our lives are based on the circadian rhythm of a 24 hour cycle, meaning we are highly impacted by light and dark (day and night). The time of day we eat and our overall eating patterns relative to time can have an impact on body weight, weight loss resistance, and appetite regulation.

Have you ever had to work a night shift and eat lunch at 4 A.M? That struggle to eat when your body isn’t naturally hungry is evidence of this circadian rhythm at play. There are ways to optimize the times at which we eat our meals, but of course with our hectic work lives this isn’t always possible. What is important is to know how this concept plays a role, and then figure out what works best for us.

In general, for many people skipping meals contributes to weight gain or an inability to lose weight. This includes skipping breakfast and having a late lunch. Every meal gets pushed back and dinners are often consumed later too. Eating right before going to bed doesn’t give our bodies enough time to digest, and guess where all those extra calories get stored? 

Studies show that for many people, eating the majority of their calories on the third meal of their day contributes to excess weight or inability to lose weight. The majority of us burn calories most efficiently in the first half of our day – and certainly for all humans during daylight hours.

We also tend to peak in calorie burning capacity when the sun is highest in the sky, and so, it makes sense to consume the biggest meal at that time. Taking bio circadian nutrition into consideration helps regulate appetite naturally.  

Now, for many of us, squeezing a large meal into a short 30 minute lunch break at work isn’t always feasible, and that’s why I want to stress that it might not always be possible. Just keep in mind that when you eat does have an impact. 


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